An earthquake and storm safer shelter for 100 children and/or adults
Less can truly be more. Building a home that requires less money, effort, and materials is more.
A dome shelter that provides more safety in both earthquakes and severe storms is more desireable.

Scroll down for Haiti Dome Franchise Project Link.

This shelter can be built above a leveled rubble surface.
Buckminster Fuller promoted "comprehensive anticipatory design".
Another way to say this is, "We should think about everything when we design anything".
Now let's build an earthquake and storm safer home using some photos taken in Illinois in 2009.

Set concrete blocks in a circle that is a few feet bigger that the dome you want to build.

Level the blocks by digging out some dirt where the blocks are too high.
Add extra blocks if necessary to accomodate the slope or to accomodate an abundance of rubble.
Space the blocks about an inch apart.
Cut notches in the top of the blocks and lay-in a ring of epoxy coated rebar.
Fill the blocks with concrete to secure the rebar and blocks permanently in-place.
Put some plastic mortor mesh against the inside surface of the blocks
to keep the gravel from escaping thru the spaces between the blocks.
Then fill the cylinder with river rock or concrete rubble.
You have just created a level and raised mesa that will keep your concrete floor high and dry.

Install the permanent concrete forms and dome base using treated 2x8's lapped at the corners.

Then pour three inches of fiber reinforced concrete to make your floor and secure your dome base.

Now you can frame your dome using a precision-cut EconOdome Basic 2x4 Frame Kit.

As you can see, the raised gravel mesa keeps the building dry and allows for proper drainage.

A mesa foundation for this 38.5 ft. dia. dome home creates an attractive perimeter that stays dry.

This dome home has now been painted with a rubbery blue paint
and now includes a front porch canopy and arches over the windows.

This "raised mesa rock foundation" may be adapted to assist with the construction of
a smaller 24' or 30' concrete dome suitable for a tropical climate.
Presently we are involved with training Haitians and Africans
to build very low cost and safer diy concrete domes.
--Click here to go to
--Learn more about the diy dome building in other parts of the world.--

Buckminster Fuller avocated "comprehensive anticipatory design".
We at Faze Change Produx feel that a comprehensively designed and spacious dome home
can give one an uplifting feeling, and, also be--more--economical, energy efficient, and storm tolerant.

Please feel free to phone our consultation phone # 1-217-728-2184 to discuss either
the Haiti Dome Franchise Project or building any size dome with an EconOdome kit.
By Wil Fidroeff, co-creator of the EconOdome building system.

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